Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday already? Well first things first, I came across this print on Etsy today.
Etsy. Oh Etsy. I feel instant warmth, relaxation and comfort. Wouldn't you like to crawl in and take a cat nap? It is by ValeriaH entitled Bedroom and is for sale in her shop for $25 -sometime soon I am going to have to pick up this print.

What a great day. Went for a picnic lunch at the beach, 80 degrees, sunny with a cool breeze. I had a pound of organic strawberries I sliced up and dusted with sugar and put in a ziplock bag for an easy treat. Delicious!

I enjoyed just sitting along side the beach and watching the tiny waves. I spent a lot of time thinking of a quote from a writer I frequently read, Eckhart Tolle. His books are a great source of philosophical inspiration for me to ponder. I would like to share a quote I have been thinking of today from his book The Power of Now-
"all the things that truly matter beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace arise from beyond the mind"

And finally, for those of you wondering how I thought the documentary HOME that I watched last night was..... it was visually beautiful. However, for some reason I could not find my place in it, it did not pull me in. I think it is because the photography was beautiful but Glenn Close really didn't explain what I was looking at... I will have to give it another try during the day. Maybe I was just tired last night but I only made it through the first half hour.

That is all for today, working on securing some interesting Etsy artist interviews, must be off ;)


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hey you, today was a good day. The hubster and I headed up to Madison Wisconsinfor a lazy drive and some simple fun. Little did we know that the sky was about to part and drench the world below in a rainstorm of galactic proportions. Well maybe I exaggerate a tad but it was enough for us to get off the highway and take refuge in a warm and glowing Dennys! We decided to turn around and come home and head back to Madison on Saturday..... Saturdays they hold their famous Farmers Market that promises to be a variable cornucopia of organic goodness and hippie tie dye heaven. Can barely wait.
I did make three stops on the way home that bares sharing:
Stop 1. Blockbuster for the documentary HOME narrated by Glenn Close that looks to be a beautiful eye opening arial look at our planet. Sound intriguing?

Stop 2. Goodwil. Picked up the most interesting book for $2.99 La France Gastronomique by Anne Willan. After a little online research appearantly this fine French cookbook is rare and quite famous! Oh the joy of a Goodwill find.

Stop 3. Grocery Store for dishwasher liquid -EARTH FRIENDLY PRODUCTS brand Organic Lavender Dishwasher Liquid!!!!!!!!!!! This is exciting friends because it is not only earth friendly but very inexpensive and it smells TERrific. It imparts the aroma of a French Lavender field in my very own kitchen, which will blend well with my new book ;) wee wee

Well off to watch HOME and cuddle up with Jack (the most adorable Rat Terrier this side of the Mississippi). Goodnight All! Back tomorrow with a re-cap of the movie and whatever else.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I decided to start a blog today. As with all things it is an experiment of sorts. I want to write about such things as art, eco-friendly living and dogs. Simple enough -or it may seem.
So to begin I would like to start with the current issue of Ready Made magazine, I am so excited about making their recipe for Coffee Can Lemongrass Vanilla ice-cream, can I tell you! How genius is this magazine people?! Love me some Ready Made : ) When I make it I will tell you all about it. If you make it first, send me some. What else, oh so I am totally into Etsy ( check it out) and stumbled across the coolest listing today:

His name is Maxwell and is made by reclaim2fame on Etsy. This funky little guy is from their Tin Type Robot collection and is going for a cool $111.oo : I want it. But as it is said, "want in one hand and &6$# in the other, see what fills up first", ha!

However, it is up for sale if you have the hankering.

So this past weekend my husband and I found our way to the most interesting breakfast spot ever. It is in Kenosha, Wisconsin and it is called Franks Diner, it was featured on the Food Networks Drive-Ins, Diners and Dives. They serve up organic eggs and free range bacon. We both ordered the Chocolate Chip Pancakes and they were HUGE. I can normally eat some pancakes but I only got through half of one, one folks! So delicious. It is in a old train car and the staff yells at you in that funny yelling way that makes it part of the experience. Our waitress was full of tattoos and 'tude and I loved it. This is a picture of the heavenly griddle, however we will go back and I will get a picture of the pancake monstrosity.

I hope to hear from you, dear reader, yes you.... until next blog, over and out good buddy ;)