Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday already? Well first things first, I came across this print on Etsy today.
Etsy. Oh Etsy. I feel instant warmth, relaxation and comfort. Wouldn't you like to crawl in and take a cat nap? It is by ValeriaH entitled Bedroom and is for sale in her shop for $25 -sometime soon I am going to have to pick up this print.

What a great day. Went for a picnic lunch at the beach, 80 degrees, sunny with a cool breeze. I had a pound of organic strawberries I sliced up and dusted with sugar and put in a ziplock bag for an easy treat. Delicious!

I enjoyed just sitting along side the beach and watching the tiny waves. I spent a lot of time thinking of a quote from a writer I frequently read, Eckhart Tolle. His books are a great source of philosophical inspiration for me to ponder. I would like to share a quote I have been thinking of today from his book The Power of Now-
"all the things that truly matter beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace arise from beyond the mind"

And finally, for those of you wondering how I thought the documentary HOME that I watched last night was..... it was visually beautiful. However, for some reason I could not find my place in it, it did not pull me in. I think it is because the photography was beautiful but Glenn Close really didn't explain what I was looking at... I will have to give it another try during the day. Maybe I was just tired last night but I only made it through the first half hour.

That is all for today, working on securing some interesting Etsy artist interviews, must be off ;)



  1. It certainly does look like a great place for a cat nap! Thanks for sharing!

  2. You've created a lovely looking blog here! I'll keep an eye on it. Please fee free to comment on my blog and tout your products!
    Etsy Stores:

  3. A sunny day by the sea sounds lovely. It rained all day here.

  4. mmmm! sugar and strawberries! Yum!

  5. Good idea to begin this nice blog... i'm following you ;)

  6. I'm following you - hope you will follow me back. Very nice start to your blog..I'll check in now and again

  7. Oh to sit seaside and watch the waves.... sounds dreamy! Nice blog ♥

  8. What a great and relaxing day you had, wish we had a cool breeze

  9. Oohhh....that images looks very inviting. Would soooo love to lie down on it now to and rest. Thank you for sharing it! :~)

  10. 80 degrees! Ahhhhhhh, sounds fabulous compared to our 100+ degree day here in Sedona, AZ.
    Nice blog..following you :)

  11. Lovely post - a very nice peek into your day.

  12. just got back from the beach...that's the best part of summer.. the weather is always great at the beach!! I'm following you now

  13. Looks like you're off to a great blog start:)

  14. Picnic at the beach... that sounds great... might do that today myself.

  15. what a nice window into what sounds like a beautiful day! thank you for the "snapshot" :)

    Organic strawberries, beautiful art, and Eckhart Tolle....good stuff!

  16. Have a nice start!! Lovely blog
    here is mine

  17. gotta love the etsy love ;D best wishes!

  18. thanks for the comment on my blog! love that pic but makes me want to wash the sheets hahaha ok, ok i'm OCD!!

    great blog page!

  19. That really is a gorgeous photo!
    Thanks for sharing it!
